Monday, June 27, 2011

The Golden Hour

It's true the early bird does in fact catch the worm, or the early angler catches the fish anyways. The true hardcore fisherman knows that a good day on the river or lake begins long before sunrise. The alarm clock wails at 4:00 AM and the rush is on. No time for breakfast, no shower, maybe if you didn't hit the old snooze a hot cup of coffee and a bagel. Throw on your waders and boots, get your fishing jacket on and hit the road. Hopefully the gear was packed the night before otherwise something is sure to be left behind. The lines should be set and ready to go, there's nothing worse than trying to set up a pole on the bank or in the boat. As soon as light hits the water your line should be in just behind it. It is for about an hour that the fish come to life as they begin to looking for an easy breakfast. Keep your line in the water and keep quiet, listen to the birds as they sing their morning songs. with a little skill and a lot of luck your fish is out there, go get 'em. As you are heading back to your car with the catch of the day the others will begin to roll up. Seeing your catch they'll be sure that this is their day. Its too late now the golden hour has passed, the fish have gone to rest. Maybe tomorrow is their day, but today is yours, you got up early and you passed the test.

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